Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tips on Having a Safe Flight

You have made the decision that you are going to take a vacation and naturally you are concerned about he safety of traveling by air. The truth is that despite what happened on 9/11, the commercial airlines in the United States are still one of the most safest and efficient ways in which to travel. In the rare case when an accident does occur, more people are surviving due to the advances in better built aircraft and safety standards.

The airplane manufactures, airlines and the Federal Aviation Administration have worked hard to achieve a good safety record. As an air traveler, it is your responsibility to take certain actions that will help to protect you and keep you safe during your flight. Here are a few tips to follow>

* listen To The Safety Briefing

* Keep Your Seat Belt Hooked

* Follow Carry-On Baggage Rules

* Wear Proper Attire

It is very important that you always pay close attention to the safety briefing as not all airplanes are the same. There is a passenger safety card that is located in the seat packet of the plane and you should take this out during the safety briefing and follow along with the flight attendant as she reads through it. If you have questions, make sure that you get answers for them.

Come up with an escape plan in case of an emergency. Think about where your location will be on the aircraft and the easiest and quickest route that you should use if you have to make a quick exit from the plane.

Make sure that you fasten your seat belt. Of all the accidents that involve turbulence, most injuries occur to passengers who are not wearing their safety belts and these injuries probably would not have happened if they were wearing them. Remember, they are there for a purpose, so always use them!

Always obey the carry-on luggage rules. Do not bring any unnecessary things on board with you. Your
bags need to be small enough to fit under the seat in front of you or in the bins overhead. If you have any items that are heavy, it is best to put them under the seat.

You need to wear sensible clothes and make sure that your body is covered. It is best to wear clothes that are made from natural materials such as cotton, wool or denim. Make sure that you have proper foot ware. Do not wear sandals or high heels as this could slow you down in case of an emergency.

If you would like more information on aviation, then please visit the following address:
